"I think we all have habits or characteristics we'd like to change. No one is perfect! We all imagine this better version of ourselves in our heads. 'Worst Enemy' is about knowing that the main obstacle stopping you from accomplishing your dreams is yourself. We wanted to create something uplifting that people can hear, relate with, and jam out to while exercising or getting ready for something important. Never give up!" -Michelle + Miguel
Both brother and sister are multi-talented singers and actors: Miguel Fasa's original songs have landed in the soundtracks to feature films aired worldwide, including on the Lifetime and LMN channels. His flourishing acting career also keeps him busy, most recently with a small role in the Oscar-winning film Once Upon a Time...in Hollywood. Now he's hard at work finishing his sophomore album, due out in 2021!
Michelle Martinez has an intoxicating, sultry voice that wins over the hearts of her audiences. Her first EP "Not Broken" includes four songs written with the goal of inspiring women onto their own paths of personal growth and self-worth. Michelle's songs are featured in movies Killer Island and Dream Killer, the latter in which she also made a cameo appearance, singing "Not Broken." Michelle continues to release her own original music through PMA Records - stay tuned!